Category Archives: Attire

Prep: Him.

As opposed to my 3.5- to 4-hour process, Aussie’s apparently only took about 15 minutes. Sh*t, shower and shave, I’m sure. Therefore his time was spent, more aptly, hanging out by the pool, drinking beer, etc. Lucky bastard.


The predecessor.

Smiley Rusty.

Good thing there's a doctor in the crew.


Brace yo self.


Proud Mama.

See how easy and painless it was for them? Well, painless except for Gresham’s leg, that is. And don’t they look so handsome?

Aussie’s Shirt: Express for Men
His Shorts: Volcom on

All photographs by Persimmon Images.

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Prep: Me.

Once we got back to the hotel and stood awkwardly around for a bit, then ran around doing some last-minute errands, it was time to shower and begin the process of getting ready. Of course, being me, I allowed entirely too much time between returning from the Love Pond and my appointment with Mara. So I sat around for a while. I wrote a blog post, checked my FaceSpace, drank a warm beer and just kind of chilled. Kat showed up and started taking pics of the extraneous little things, and eventually Mara showed up to get the surprisingly long process of making me all purdyfied out of the way. Remember how I wanted my hair originally? Yeah, well, my hair doesn’t do that. But I dug the end result.

*P.S.: There’s some bra action, though minor, in this post. Divert your eyes/computer screen, if you must.*

Pretty sure I'm telling Shane to keep the beverages flowing.

Beginning of the braid dilemma.

Solution to the braid dilemma.

Mimosas ease frustration. It's a fact.

Another awesome thing about best friends? They actually force you to eat. Burgers.

The finger waves that never would.

My hair is, apparently, as stubborn as its bearer.

Let Round 2 commence!


Airbrushing: Good for nixing forehead spots and tan lines.

Mara totally had the set up. Even if there was an obscene amount of pink.

I begged for this. And ran out of time to put it on.

More failure!!!

Damn you, follicles!

Shane likes to carry big black garbage bags around. Whatevs.

Mama Sooz.


My favorites.

It takes a team.

Shaner trained for months for this.

Smells like team spirit.

Mama's job.

The whole process took about 3.5 to 4 hours, which was considerably longer than I’d thought. My hair refused to cooperate, which dragged the whole experience out. Mara was such a trooper, and finally after about the third try on the finger waves, she asked if she could just sweep my bangs to the side. At that point, I was totally for whatever she was suggesting. She did such a fantastic job and fully put up with all of our goofiness.

Hair and makeup: Mara at Lilikoi Hair Studio.
Venue: Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows
All photos by Persimmon Images.

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Detail: Attire.

I love my dress. Note I didn’t say “loved” but rather “love.” I pulled it out last weekend to show a friend and totally went “squee!” all over again. It’s so … perfect for me. From the personalized detail to the fit to the all-around look of it, it screams my name from the top of its bejeweled straps. And while we didn’t necessarily build all the other details of our attire to go around my dress, they did just happen to perfectly coincide. Which … rocks. Aussie’s mum got the shoes I ended up wearing (remember how many I had?) after donning my flip-flops (which have gone missing) and before opting for bare feet (which resulted in a minor injury). She also procured the petticoat. I ordered the buttons and the pearls and Aussie’s suspenders. Somehow, all of it ended up matching perfectly.

My dream of turquoise peep-toe slingbacks came to fruition.

The ubiquitous Chucks.

See? Buttons match the suspenders.

One more shoe pic ... you know, for good measure.

















































































































































































Dress: David’s Bridal
Buttons: LiDDesigns Supplies
Shorts: Volcom via Dogfunk
“Forever” hanger: Lila Frances

All photos by Persimmon Images

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Surprise Treat.























Offbeat Mama, one of the spawn of the Offbeat Empire, the brainchild of Ariel posted this today. I thought it would be rad for favors.

You all know how much I love balloons, and surprise treats are super awesome too.

What about putting those little chocolate Champagne or liquors in there? Or you could do some of the things mentioned on ESB and in the comments if you really want to go ballz-out crazy.

It’s kind of like a pinanta alternative.

I dig it. Everyone digs surprise treats.

P.S.: I loved this dress by Steven Birnbaum … but Aussie didn’t like the high neckline. Also, you know how I feel about pink, but she’s got balloons.

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Experience: Dress.

Lisa just recently got engaged. She was in theatre with Aussie and I oh-so-gently chided her into giving me occasional guest post updates on her experience planning her Perth, Australia, wedding. Hopefully this is the first of many, as I know I’m entirely intrigued about what Lisa has on her adorable little brain for her November 2013 wedding day.

How freaking adorable is she?

























Wedding Dress Shopping is like shopping for Venetian glass. Every piece is exquisite. It seems impossible to decide. But once you take a piece home, away from all the others, you realise the perfection, the simple details you couldn’t appreciate before.

I went wedding dress shopping for the first time on Saturday. I took my Mum, Sister and Nanna. It was such a wonderful time with the girls and one that I will never forget. We only had time to go into one shop on Saturday so I decided on Sarrisha’s located south of Perth, Western Australia. The shop is one of the few bridal shops that allow you to walk in and try on any outfit you want without an appointment. The atmosphere was relaxed and casual, making me feel comfortable and excited about the experience. I didn’t realise how big a deal it was until I went inside and started to feel really nervous! But soon enough I had 20 dresses in the change room and off I went!

The dress I had set my heart on looked lovely but just didn’t feel right. It was the last dress I tried on that I think might be the one … It was so beautiful and I felt so comfortable in it. Every girl coming in and out of the change rooms kept telling the dressmakers that they were planning to lose weight before the big day. They were picking outfits they thought would look better once they had lost weight. I laughed as I was no different. There is such a focus on losing weight and having the perfect wedding body. But when I put on the last dress it looked good on me right now, just as I am and I knew that was the dress I wanted; One where I didn’t have to sacrifice the fun times in order to look a certain way on the day.

I am not sure if I will even bother looking anywhere else because the dress is just perfect and besides, all the dresses are perfect in their own way. You could end up looking forever. I don’t think I need to put myself through unnecessary stress. Besides, my second favourite dress was a gigantic Scarlett O’Hara-style dress. It was massive and I could barely move. I looked like a giant marshmallow. If it wasn’t for the fact I could not move, I think I would have taken it on the spot! No one else liked it. But frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn! I felt wicked. Hehe!

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So, obviously I dig some vintageousness. And right now, I’m seriously, horribly, divinely in love with “Mad Men.” (Me and apparently everyone I know.)

So, in honor of the current obsession, here’s some frocks to get your rocks off.



Dresses are clicky. Isn’t that swell?

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Hunting for an apartment is kind of like wedding planning.

You begin with a specific, ideal vision.

Wedding: Dress, decor, extras, theme, headpieces.

Apartment: Two bedrooms, decent counter space, allows dogs, less than $1,100, has fenced-in yard, big kitchen, utilities, two-year lease, close to bus stop, stand alone.

And then you look. At lots. Magazines, TV shows, books, movies, blogs, newspapers, websites. And then you look at prices. And talk to people, professional and not. And make lots of calls, send lots of emails.

And your idea evolves. $500 for a cake display? Maybe not. What about a sweet or mod or otherwise different dress? Maybe a head thingy made by a friend?

Or maybe it’s sacrificing a yard in order to be next to the dog park. Or paying $1,100 plus utilities, but getting a two-bedroom just a few blocks from the current digs. Or living in a four-unit complex, but having separate entrances and end unit. But it is available rightthisverysecond and the deposit is only a few hundred.

Either way, both are big life endeavors. It’s about finding the balance between what the ideal is and what reasonably fits without giving up too much of want you want. Maybe it’s paying $1,200 per month, utilities included, for a huge apartment with a yard but is inconvenient location-wise. Or shelling out $6000 but getting four days of photography and rights to the images. Maybe it’s finding that dress that just works and getting it altered just so.

As long as you’re happy and comfortable, it’s all good. Right?

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Wedinated: Ruth and Nate, Part Trois

Yes, there’s MOAR. Nate and Ruth had entirely too much awesometasticness for me to pass up … however, I don’t do trilogies. So here’s part three … with one more to come. xo!

Photography: Sunny + Scout Photography

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Wedinated: Ruth and Nate.

When I first saw Ruth and Nate’s wedding pictures, I had a bit of a swoon. AND THEN I WATCHED THEIR VIDEO. And read Ruth’s words (let’s face it folks, I love the visual). And it all ties together. Check out the groomsman in the cardigan. Yes. And the baby with the Chucks. AND SHE HAD BALLOONS. These guys did it green, did it familial and did it with Chucks. My words don’t do it justice. Also? She supplied me with so much and I can’t choose. So, here goes my first multi-post!
























Name: Nate and Ruth Buma

Age: Nate, 28 and Ruth, 26

Occupation: Nate, Petroleum Engineer and Ruth, PA/HR/Church Volunteer

Wedding location: Uniting Church (Ceremony) and Laurelville Manor (Reception), York Western Australia

Wedding Date: 8 May 2011

Length of engagement: 4 months and a couple days!












Tell me about your wedding: It was a family affair! My aunty did our hair, my sister made the wedding cake, Nate’s grandmother made my dress, our bridal party and “speech makers” mostly comprised of family, my mum did all the stationary, my sister-in-law took photos … so it was very family orientated!
























I spent many moons on blogs getting ideas for the style, and Nate sourced EVERYTHING from far and wide.

We wanted it to be as organic and local as possible so we used the town and as many as the locals as we could which turned out to be amazing and really contributed to the country feel! The florist was local, as was the caterer, as was the kind man we hired the vintage car from. We used the heritage buildings and farmers fields to take photos … it was a really relaxed vibe. A few months back York had terrible storms and the ladies who run the Uniting Church, lost the roof to a building adjacent to the church that they use for teas and such things – we made a donation to their roof fund and they put a delicious afternoon tea on for us after our ceremony which was very sweet!

























While we were having photos taken, we had lawn bowls and cocktails (country style) back at our reception venue. That apparently (coz we were getting photos taken) was great idea! Good time, killer!

We wrote our own vows, which added a really personal and special touch to the ceremony!
It was just a really great experience for us! Relaxed and fun and a great reflection of us!












What was your favorite part of your wedding? I loved my dress. I loved the styling of our bridal party, with each person in their own interpretation of our colour scheme/ vibe that we wanted. I loved that it had so much of our nearest and dearest involved. I loved the country feel, and all the detail we had going on.












What disasters did you avert … or not avert and how did you deal with it? We left our seating plan until about 3 hours before the event kicked off! In a hurry to get it done we left some really key people off the plan so when they got there, they didn’t see their names anywhere, which was rather unpleasant for them! HAHA! Luckily they are close enough friends to know that we wanted them there so they did not leave! EEEEK!



































Was there anything you would have done differently, or do you have any regrets about how something went? I would have had it on a day that suited my brothers better so they could have been there! But other than that, nope – it was a dream come true and I loved every moment!












What was your biggest challenge in planning? Sourcing the detail. I had got some really great ideas from different USA based wedding blogs and I found it really hard to get some of the things I wanted (eg glass drinking dispensers for the cocktails!)! It took a lot of energy, time and patience on Nates behalf!






















What lessons did you learn from planning or from the wedding itself? That it takes time and patience to hunt down a bargain and that NOTHING is impossible!












What was your biggest “holyamazeballzI’mfreakininlove!” moment? We has spent ages trying to organize a vintage car, it didn’t make sense to get one to drive out from Perth, so after weeks of trying to organize something, Nate just packed the idea in, and we decided to go with the very non-vintage, community bus! When it came time for me and the girls to leave the Manor where we were getting ready, this insane, OLD SCHOOL, beautiful car pulled up! Nate had organized it in the last couple days and I had no idea! So I was so so so so thrilled!! YAY! I still love thinking back to that moment! Another real special moment was in that car, on the way, I was with my dad, and that was pretty memorable.

What were your top 5 favorite things about your wedding?
Nate’s vows
My sister’s brilliant effort with our 5 layered cake!
Loved my wedding dress – Grandma made my dream come true!
The styling (if we don’t say so ourselves!)
My cousin coming over from South Africa, my longest standing friend coming over from Adelaide and my grandmother coming over from East Coast













Top 5 least favorite?
It was a very stressful lead up. Nate and I had a very specific idea of what we wanted, and some things were a bit, non traditional, and we did get a bit of “abrasion” from the more formal family members – my least favourite thing was the stress of souring the detail.
Money issues are always not fun! And I am no budgeter so that was rather difficult! I was rattling off demands and wants and poor Nate was trying to manage the money side of things!
My younger brother ended up not being able to attend which was quite sad. He unexpectedly had to go overseas to an Olympic qualifier












What was the worst piece of wedding advice you received? A video is not needed! Thank goodness we did not listen to that! We did and here is the trailer – (Eds. note: the full video will be in a later post. You know you want to keep watching.)

The best? A work mate said to me, that during the evening, Nate and I should go for a walk for about 5 mins, to a spot where we could see our wedding in front of us and just take a moment to breath and soak it up and acknowledge that this was our time. That was a great piece of advice and a memory I will always treasure.





























Cake: Jo Pletts (Sister) from

Stationary: Avrile Bird
Photographer: Louise Buma (Sister-in-Law)




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Wedinated: Brianna and Nick.

I can’t even express how much I love these two. Brianna is one of the coolest, mellowest and NICEST chicks I know. And Nick rocks. When I found out they were engaged, I full-on squealed. Then I saw their pics. And the swooning commenced. They had a super mellow, super low-key ceremony and reception fully catered to them. They had a good friend of theirs officiate the ceremony, they incorporated their own style and they had help from family and friends. Also? They managed it pretty low-budget without stressing. Yeah … they’re rad.

Name: Brianna Graner

Age: 26

Occuption: Cosmetologist

Wedding location: Teton Springs in Victor, Idaho

Wedding Date: October 23, 2010

Length of engagement: 11 months

Tell me about your wedding: Nick and I had a small wedding with only our very close friends and family. From the start we knew we wanted our wedding to be low-key and our style. We did almost everything ourselves, wrote our own ceremony, selected every song on our playlist, we used our iPod, decorations etc. We had a hint of vintage flare in our music and our style. One of our best friends, Tim Metoyer, performed our ceremony; he took this very seriously and made it very special.

What was your favorite part of your wedding? The best part of the wedding for me was finally getting to marry Nick, I also loved getting everyone we care about together in one place!

What disasters did you avert … or not avert and how did you deal with it? Somehow, in all of the planning we forgot to get a dance floor.. whoops! So the night before the wedding some of my amazing family members along with my mom got together secretly and made sure that the next day there was a dance floor ready for my horrible dance moves!

What was your biggest challenge in planning? The biggest challenge for me was I took on way too much by myself. I’m the kind of person who thinks I can do everything and I think I would have enjoyed the process a little more if I would have shared some of the responsibility.

What lessons did you learn from planning or from the wedding itself? A wedding is about two people who love each other so much they want to spend their lives together the rest of it should just be fun, if it stops being fun, elope.

What were your top 5 favorite things about your wedding? My awesome bridal shower/ bachelorette party, our amazing photographer Kisa Koenig, delicious cupcakes, all of my girls at Body & Soul making me look beautiful, and my very favorite was seeing Nick for the first time all dressed up!

What was the worst piece of wedding advice you received? I was actually very lucky because my best friend Shannon got married a few months before me so she actually shared a lot of really great advice like this gem: people want to make your wedding about them so stand strong to what you really want.

What from your wedding vows/ceremony still holds the truest?
This is the start of your new life together.
Tomorrow you will be a married couple, off on a brand new adventure.
And like any good adventure,
there are sure to be beautiful new things you’ve never seen before
unknown wonders you could never anticipate and exciting challenges.
But even when your strength is tested,
know that you will persevere.

I think it is so important for any couple because even when things get a little crazy you will always have each other.

All photos via Kisa Koenig Photography
Venue: Teton Springs Resort
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