Category Archives: Reception

Surprise Treat.























Offbeat Mama, one of the spawn of the Offbeat Empire, the brainchild of Ariel posted this today. I thought it would be rad for favors.

You all know how much I love balloons, and surprise treats are super awesome too.

What about putting those little chocolate Champagne or liquors in there? Or you could do some of the things mentioned on ESB and in the comments if you really want to go ballz-out crazy.

It’s kind of like a pinanta alternative.

I dig it. Everyone digs surprise treats.

P.S.: I loved this dress by Steven Birnbaum … but Aussie didn’t like the high neckline. Also, you know how I feel about pink, but she’s got balloons.

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Wedinated: Ruth and Nate. Fin.

Ok, here we go. The grand finale of Ruth and Nate’s awesome York, Australia, wedding. This is so sweet, and Duane Orriss of Orriss Films did such a lovely job. In my mind, he nailed it.

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Wedinated: Ruth and Nate, Part Trois

Yes, there’s MOAR. Nate and Ruth had entirely too much awesometasticness for me to pass up … however, I don’t do trilogies. So here’s part three … with one more to come. xo!

Photography: Sunny + Scout Photography

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Wedinated and Vegoosed: Myndi and Tim.

Name: Myndi Ruland

Age: 27

Occupation: Bookkeeper

Wedding location: Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas

Wedding Date: May 10, 2010

Length of engagement: Slightly more than one year

Tell me about your wedding: The ceremony was intended to be as short as possible. Twas a civil ceremony, religious talk makes me feel a little uneasy … We made an attempt at writing our own vows and I wish that we would have gone through with it looking back. I chickened out as the day approached.

What was your favorite part of your wedding? Everything was my favorite part of my wedding! Everything! Every moment of the weekend leading up to it and the day itself was amazing. I had my favorite people in the world all in one place and all celebrating Tim and I getting married. Did I mention this all went down in Vegas? I love Las Vegas, the lights, the commotion, the endless nights … Las Vegas, all the people I love most in the world, and marrying my best friend, what could be better than that?

What disasters did you avert … or not avert and how did you deal with it? Eh. My divorced parents that have not spoken since my high school graduation were forced together for this blessed occasion. That was awkward to say the least. I dealt with it by pretending that it wasn’t an issue and refusing to let it get in the way of the wonderful things happening.

Was there anything you would have done differently, or do you have any regrets about how something went? I would have made the groomsmen take off their bowties before the wedding. When I first saw them I noticed they looked a little goofy and notice it more in the pictures. If that is the only regret that I have, I’d say it was a pretty successful wedding.

What was your biggest challenge in planning? Not being able to see the locations of the ceremony and reception before committing to them was a little difficult. I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t have a clear idea of anything that was going to take place. I had to put my faith in a wedding planner that I had worked with via e-mail.

What lessons did you learn from planning or from the wedding itself? I learned to appreciate that special time, because it’s over and done before you know it. However once its all over with, if you did it right, there will be a loving marriage to be stoked on almost daily.

What was your biggest “holyamazeballzI’mfreakininlove!” moment? Those moments haven’t ceased to happen. My husband amazes me with his level head and caring heart. It’s usually during my darkest times that he really comes through and makes me realize how lucky I am and just how much I love him.
There was one incident on the day of our wedding that I just oozed with love for him. I had the world’s most epic blister on my heel (it landed me in the ER at one point) and I needed some serious epic blister supplies. My bridesmaids were all busy getting ready for the wedding, and I couldn’t find my mom. So, my groom ran all over Las Vegas, literally ran on foot, to gather the medical supplies I needed. It took him hours to find it all.

When he arrived back, we weren’t supposed to see each other. He gave the blister gear to a girlfriend and went to get ready himself. When I saw how much effort he put in, and the selection of band aids, gels, pads, and other misc. materials I was so touched and impressed. A few hours later I couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle wearing an invisible blister band aid and marry that man. He was my knight that found a Walgreens.

What were your top 5 favorite things about your wedding?
1.) Seeing Tim as I walked down the isle
2.) The people that were in attendance
3.) The city of Las Vegas
4.) My red shoes (both the heels and the Chuck Ts)
5.) Dancing the night away to Lady Gaga and Beyonce

Top 5 least favorite?
1.) The world’s most epic blister on my heal
2.) The wind blowing at the ceremony
3.) When the weekend was over, having to say goodbye to everyone

What was the worst piece of wedding advice you received? I’m not sure that I received any “bad” advice about marriage… It all seemed pretty valid to me.

The best? The best was from my dad. He knows what a hot-head I can be and gave me advice for when I get pissed, “Don’t say things you don’t mean or will regret. Your words can leave scars on each other. Don’t have arguments that will leave scars, because you’ll regret it.” This is the advice that I have used on several occasions…

If you’ve been married for more than a few years, what have been some challenges? I have been married for barely over a year but have sure as hell become acquainted with challenges. We decided to try DIY home improvements on our house. I have high standards. He is not necessarily what they call handy. Many heated discussions have taken place as a result. As we continue to work on the house, I just try to remember that every project we have finished has turned out just fine … but I can’t help think that if I hadn’t bitched during the process that they wouldn’t have turned out as well.

What from your wedding vows/ceremony still holds the truest? The for richer or poorer part…

Any other bits of wisdom? Don’t rush it. Patience is key. When the going gets tough remember the reasons that you married the dude to begin with. Don’t be blind to your own faults. Laugh together every day.


Venue: Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas.
Photography: Caesar’s Palace Photography by Imagine Studios.
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Challenge: On.

I’ve already posed this to the Usual Suspects Leader.

Only time shall tell.


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Ha, not that kind. You lushes.

OK, so I know I covered some of the basics of what photos we do/do not want.

But I think it’s time to get creative.

Robin at the Broke-Ass Bride posted about her “shot list” the other day and it got me mulling over more ideas beyond the familial, friendly and minorly quirky.

I would like to hand off The Book to my darling engaged friend right before the ceremony.

A pre-ceremony drink will be in order. And a photo of said drink is DEFINITELY in order.

A shot of my Red Sox garter is a must.

Me and my homies being as awesome as we are.

Ditto for Aussie and his homies.

My shoes. All *ahem* three pair.

Aussie and his homies proudly displaying their homie gifts.

Daddio’s face when he hears the music to the first song.

Daddio and I rocking out.

Aussie and Kath rocking out.

Our rings on the drink charms/guest deck/Hawaii guide book. Or somewhere else awesome. Any ideas?

A photo of my Uncle JVM crying. Because he will. I will make it so.

A photo of a photo of our Ring Goggie.

Me playing bocce ball. In my dress. Oh, the determination!

A pick of me, drink in hand or right nearby, decompressing.

One of my family members either wildly drunk or passed out. Also? Any one of my older male family members, or Aussie’s, doing the White Man’s Upper-bite

Aussies and Irish intermingling.

The sunset.

A turtle.

Someone lounging in a hammock. Bonus points for passed out.

Other couples feeling the love.

That’s a good start. Or finish? Ha.

What do you think?

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Here’s a vague idea of what the reception will look like

The tablecloths will be white, but I figure maybe some colorful pennant banners will help spruce them up?

They’d go well with balloons and pinwheels, no?


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So, I’ve been thinking about ways I can spruce up the reception site without forking over the arm, leg and half a soul it would cost for the professional decor job you see in movies. And can I just say … for someone like me, those frou-frou, hoity-toity gilded numbers are shit. Not the shit, just shit.

So, we’ve already been over the wonderful, fantabulous, splendiferous need for tons and tons of color … but, well … how? I was stalking my favorite bridal blogs today, and decided to click on over to the Broke-Ass Bride — who herself has a penchant for color — and discovered these two wonderful ideas:

Christmas Ornament Decor

DIY CD craft

craft pom wedding DIY

Yes. Craft poms. Love.

She even mentioned filling a clear cylindrical vase with these bright beauties. Brilliant.


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How sweet it is

Just browsing around and saw this. Remember me saying I wanted to incorporate pool somehow? Well …. this pretty much rocks my socks.


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Let There Be Light

I’ve been considering various options for lighting for the reception, and aside from the *der* obvious tiki torches, I’ve found some other options.

Reception, Decor

Reception, Decor, Lighting

White, Green, Ceremony, Decor, Wedding, Lanterns, Seaside, Bay area

Reception, Decor

Decor, Lighting

Green, White, Decor, Black, Candles, Table, Details, Events, Apples, Productions, Markei

Reception, Green, Decor, Blue, Chandelier

Reception, Red, Decor, Sasha souza events, Lanterns


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