Tag Archives: Baseball

Batter Up.

It’s baseball season.

I mean, it HAS been since April. Derr.

But. The race is on. And the Red Sox, while leading the AL East, just dropped 2 of 3 to the Mariners. Ugh.

This is my favorite part of the season (second favorite? The very beginning. Because when the slopes close, the diamonds open).

I like that I can come home, crack a beer, indulge in pizza or wings and watch 9 innings of awesome. I like the nail-biters, like last week when my boys went into extra innings two days in a row.

I like watching Papi, Pedroia, Youk, Ellsbury and the rest power those bats and field balls.

It’s awesome.

P.S.: This is still one of my Top 10 All-time favorite movies.

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It hasn’t been an easy week or two. I’ve been trying really hard to not let external forces get to me, but they have. They won. I lost worse than the Cubs have been doing in the post-season for ages. There’s just so much going on and so little I can actually control … or if I can control it, it’s too much. My head is spinning and my jaw is agape at all that is taking place. I’ve finally had my

meltdown. No biggie. Necessary sometimes, in order for me to pick up the pieces and continue on.

On the upside, only 26 more days until

the season truly begins. Yessss!!!!!!!


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