*Coming Soon* New Goodies That Aren’t All About Me.

Oh!!!! I’m actually sitting here getting all SQUEEE about this!!!

So, you know how I said the other day that I was going to do this and WIN? Well, I’m doing it. I’ve talked to a couple of my rad homies and they’ve offered to step up and give me some more schtuff to put on here. Both of these girls have been hitched for a while now and I’ve known them for ages … like since I was twelve-teen and younger. And you know what? These chicks have it going on. One’s a mama of an adorbz little girl and a career woman, and the other is a military wife of sorts. And she lives a pretty baller life and has a job that makes her travel … a lot.

So I’m working out the logistics, fine-tuning some shizz and soon you’ll have ACTUAL married peeps talking about their experiences.

Are you excited? Because I am.

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One thought on “*Coming Soon* New Goodies That Aren’t All About Me.

  1. Rebecca Empey says:

    I’m pretty sure I’ve never been called a rad homie before. LOL. 🙂 Glad to help.

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